You are the heart of this small business town!

Fill out the form below to register your business. Provide the details:

  • your pay site link (paypal, Square, etc),
  • an image,
  • suggested gift card amounts (if you prefer to have them),
  • a description of services you are offering during this time,
  • hours of operation (if you have those),
  • a link to your website

Once you submit, our team will review your registration and get back to you in a jiff! Your business will be responsible for receipt and delivery of all services.

This platform service is free of charge to you (because we love you). Just note that the paysite you choose may take a percentage.

Love, The Dreamer & The Designer at Pennant Creatives.

If you have questions, contact us at: [email protected]

noticeFor best experience use desktop or laptop computer

jpg, jpeg, png only


max characters: 200 (please avoid using special characters like &, *, #)


This will appear as the line item on the PayPal receipt. It will already be prepended with 'LancCare'. You could use 'Quarantine Gift Card' or similar

please describe how the customer can purchase, max characters: 200 (please avoid using special characters like &, *, #)

For contact with LancCare please let us know how to reach you if we have questions.